Hi! I’m so glad you found me!

Patience Davis Central Indiana Doula
Patience Davis

I am a wife, mother of 2 girls, believer, and lover of all creatures big and small.

My fascination with women's health began with my own journey to learn more about fertility. Through my research I learned about the Fertility Awareness Method, which both helped prevent pregnancy, and also helped me achieve my first pregnancy. Educating myself as an adult has made me realize how little we truly learn about the processes our bodies go through as women. I want to be able to help women understand their options for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

After choosing midwifery care for the incredibly beautiful and empowering pregnancy and birth of my daughter, I felt called to support women and their partners through the journey of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Everyone deserves the kind of care that is important to them.... whatever that looks like. Each birth is a blessing that allows me to not only help support and educate families, but to learn and grow as a doula and better support my future clients.